Student Ambassador Application


Ranken is seeking Student Ambassadors across each of its departments and locations to represent Ranken to prospective students through a variety of activities throughout the semester.

Student Ambassadors who successfully complete their expected activities during the semester will receive a $500 scholarship to use the following semester. Students who are in their final semester will receive a $500 payment from the College.

An ideal Student Ambassador is someone who:
  • Is doing well in their classes (and internship, if applicable), and will easily handle taking on additional responsibilities.
  • Has a strong knowledge of Ranken, especially their program, and the ability to convey that knowledge to others.
  • Has an understanding of social media, current trends, and what makes for a quality content.
  • Has a smart phone that can capture acceptable quality video and audio.
  • Is outgoing and does not shy away from new situations/new people.
The following will be expected of each Student Ambassador:
  • Social Media Content Contributions
    • Each Student Ambassador will be expected to submit at least two "shorts" per week for a total of 32 submissions during the semester in which they are participating. 
    • Shorts are videos that are one minute or less and are formatted to be viewed on a mobile social media app in portrait mode.
    • Video submissions must follow submission guidelines (you will be trained on these guidelines at the beginning of your participation in the program) in order to qualify toward your total.
  • Discover Ranken Day / Open House
    • Student Ambassadors will attend the Discover Ranken Day or Open House for their location during the semester in which they are participating in the program. 
    • Participation in the event will include activities such as escorting prospective students and their families from the main lobby to their program of interest and talking with them about the benefits of attending Ranken.
    • Alternate event options may be available on a case-by-case basis for students who are unavailable during these dates.

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Personal Information

Student Information

First-semester students will be required to maintain a GPA above 3.0 and a Work Ethic grade of "Meets Expectations" or higher throughout the semester in order to maintain eligibility.

Example: 05/28/2026
Student Ambassador Application

To give us an idea of your content "style", we ask that you film and upload a sample short. Think of this as a brief portfolio.

Your short should be filmed in portrait mode, be one minute or less, and does not have to include any special polishing (effects, text, overlays, etc.). Need some inspiration? Take a look at shorts from the Missouri Welding Institute here for some examples.

Media Consent
I, being at least 18 years of age, hereby give and grant to Ranken Technical College free and unlimited right and permission to use, publish in print or on the Internet, televise or broadcast; photographs, slides, audio or video of me and/or recording my voice in connection with the advertising and public relations program of Ranken Technical College and its partners, their successors and assigns, in any or all means of media, and the right to copyright same. I waive all right of inspection and approval, and release Ranken Technical College and its partners, their successors and assigns, from any and all liability arising out of the exercise of the rights hereby granted.

Type your full name here.
Sorry, you are not eligible to participate due to your GPA. Please reach out to Evan Gudmestad ( if you have any questions about the Student Ambassador program requirements.