Automotive Day Career Expo 2025
Ranken's Automotive Day event takes place on Friday, April 11 at Ranken St. Louis (1313 N Newstead Ave, St. Louis, MO). The Career Expo involvement in the event will take place from 9:30am to 1pm.
Company Name
Company Zip Code
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Job Title
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
Do you need a table for your set-up?
(select all that apply)
Yes, please provide a table
No, I will bring my own table
Note that a limited number of outlets are available for set-ups needing electrical access. Attendees will be responsible for bringing their own extension cords.
Are you interested in being a sponsor for this event?
If you select "yes", we'll will reach out to you with more information about how you can be a sponsor.
Limited space will be available for an outdoor auto display. Are you interested in bringing a new and/or exciting vehicle to display?
Rare trim/colors, cool modifications, newly released models, etc. are best for this event.